and Jira: A Match Made in Integration Heaven

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What’s your favorite brand of sneakers? Nikes? Reeboks? Or maybe you’re more of a Converse kind of person? 

Now, how weird would you feel stepping into someone else’s pair?

The same goes for SaaS tools. Everyone has specific apps they’re comfortable in, and it’s never fun to have to jump into a different tool. 

If you use to organize and manage projects, being asked to collaborate with developers in their tool is a lot like walking in a different pair of sneakers. A bit uncomfortable and probably not the right fit.

You might have to:

  • Jump back and forth between and the development tool, copying and pasting information

  • Send endless Teamwork Chat messages or emails to try and get information or feedback

  • Spend days in meetings to share updates across teams

There’s a better way.

Unito allows you to build two-way integrations connecting to development tools like Jira, GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, and Microsoft Azure DevOps! No matter what tool your development team uses, you can collaborate with them and build more efficient workflows — all without having to leave

To showcase the power of these integrations, here’s a step-by-step guide to integrating and Jira, as well as some popular use cases. 

How to integrate and Jira with Unito

Unito makes connecting to Jira a breeze. It can be done in just a few minutes by following these steps. 

1. Connect your accounts

First, you’ll need to sign up for a Unito account. There’s a two-week free trial, so you don’t have to worry about payments or billing as you figure things out.

Once you enter your information and get to the end of the signup process, you'll be asked whether you want to set up a single flow or a larger workflow. To connect and Jira, you’ll only need a single flow.

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Once you enter the app, you’ll be brought to the “Choose blocks” page. Click the “Account” menu, and then “Connect a new account.” Select, log into it and authorize Unito. 

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You’ll need to repeat this process for Jira. Just a note, the authorization process for Jira requires a few more steps, including creating an application link. But don’t worry! You can find all the configuration steps here.  

Once your accounts are linked to Unito, you’re good to go!

2. Pick your projects

Underneath each account, there should now be a dropdown menu where you can pick from all of your projects. Type in the two you’d like to connect.

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Then at the bottom of the page, choose your flow direction. If you want information to flow back and forth between and Jira, keep the two arrows highlighted and click “Next.”

3. Customize your flow

Go through the next three sections one by one and customize your flow to your exact needs.

Unito allows you to:

  • Set rules so only specific information travels between the two tools. The Jira integration already supports filtering by fields, and we’re hoping to offer the same for in the future.

  • Map fields like status and due date, so the right information always lands in the right place.

  • Only sync new tasks, so no historical tasks are affected.

When everything is set up to your liking, click “Create flow.” Then watch as communication flows seamlessly across tools, and both teams jump at the chance to collaborate. integration use cases

Here are two common workflows made better by this integration.

Simplify development requests

Does making a simple development request feel like navigating an obstacle course? Do you have to jump through hoops to find the right place to share new feature ideas? Or does it seem like you’re spinning in circles, looking for the right person to send a bug to? 

If this sounds familiar, take comfort in the fact that you’re not alone. A McKinsey study found that employees spend nearly eight hours each week just looking for the information they need.

Don’t settle for an inefficient workflow. With Unito’s integration, you can direct information to the right project and person every time with minimal effort.

To do so, create a project in for development requests. On the Jira side, you may want to build a corresponding project for incoming requests or simply use an existing bug or feature-focused project. 

Connect the two projects with Unito following the instructions above. If you decide to use an existing Jira project, make sure you build a rule, so new issues created in Jira don’t end up within your board.

Once the two projects are synced, any new task in the project will automatically appear as an issue in Jira. No more copy-paste. No additional emails. Just a simple task in the tool you already use. Plus, you’ll be able to follow progress on the status of that request without leaving

Gain visibility into product launches

Product launches are a team affair. Developers build the product, product managers keep everyone organized, marketers promote the launch, and salespeople sell the new product.

It sounds simple when you write it out like that! But in reality, none of this work can happen in a silo. Product managers and developers need input and feedback from other teams. Marketers and salespeople need to prepare for launches ahead of time. Every launch requires collaboration to succeed.

In most cases, that collaboration takes the form of a jam-packed meeting calendar. You meet for a kick-off. Then you meet every week for status updates. Then in the days leading up to the launch you might meet daily to make final preparations. 

That’s a lot of time spent in meetings when you’d probably rather be working.

With Unito, you can build workflows that feed important launch information into automatically. 

Connect your launch project to your development team’s launch project in Jira (and launch projects in any other tools). Then developers, product managers, and other stakeholders can share status updates and have them be automatically reflected in a corresponding task.

Because information is synced within minutes, you don’t have to wait until the next meeting to get up to speed. Everything is visible within when you need it. This can increase the velocity of project execution while helping reduce meeting time and avoid stressful, last-minute tasks or scope changes.  

Develop better teamwork

From feature launches to bug fixes, strong collaboration with developers is fundamental to your success. With a integration, you can break down tool silos, improve visibility, and save yourself a ton of time each week.

The best part? You can make these improvements today. Start your two-week free trial of Unito and enjoy the benefits of efficient cross-tool workflows. 

Sign up for Unito and start building workflows

This is a third-party app built and supported by the team at Unito. does not assume responsibility or guarantee support for this app. We remain committed to working on the feature requests that appear on our roadmap. If you need help getting this setup, or have any queries, please contact the Unito team here.

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