Tailor forms to your clients—and get more accurate results—with Conditional Logic

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If you're doing any sort of client work, chances are you know the pains of onboarding new clients. There may even be times when you've sent them one of those generic questionnaires that asks about everything under the sun. Bored, the client loses interest, filling out the form with the most perfunctory answers so they can get through it ASAP.

Ask yourself: is anyone happy about this? 

Enter Conditional Logic, a revolution in form creation that adjusts in real time based on your clients' answers. Now, you can keep your client’s attention with tailored interactions and earn their trust and commitment through experiential personalization. And all the while, gathering only the most relevant data on your end.

What is Conditional Logic?

Good question! Think of using Conditional Logic to create a form like a GPS navigation system. Much like how a GPS recalculates your route based on your chosen path, conditional logic adapts the form's flow according to the user's selections, intelligently adjusting the questionnaire so it only displays what's relevant—and hides what's not. Except with these smart forms, there’s no such thing as a wrong turn.

Gone are the days of overwhelming clients with unnecessary questions. Now, each response leads them seamlessly through a tailored questionnaire, ensuring you receive only the information essential to your project's success.

Make way for predictive onboarding

Much of the time, the key to successful client relations is knowing which questions to ask. So imagine if you could predict your client’s needs before the onboarding process even begins.

With Conditional Logic, you can craft an onboarding form that adapts dynamically based on each client's unique circumstances. For instance, the form can automatically guide new clients through more basic introductory materials. For returning clients, it can skip redundant sections, so they only see the information that matters to them.

The result? Clients feel seen. And you look like a pro.

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Say hello to form-fitting forms

In a world where customization reigns supreme, generic service request forms simply won't cut it. Conditional Logic allows you to create smarter, more intuitive pathways that evolve in real-time based on client input.

Let's say a client indicates they're experiencing a specific issue with your product or service. With Conditional Logic, you can create a form that instantly troubleshoots the situation, driving toward a solution more quickly and precisely.

A quick response will make a client happy. But a quick and great response will earn their trust.

You could even use a form collect feedback on a recent product release so you have actionable tasks to work from. Simply add a "Feature name" field that includes your recent feature release(s), then use Conditional Logic to display subsequent feature-specific questions based on the respondent's feature selection.

Generic forms = generic responses

Accurate feedback is not only crucial for understanding; it’s an absolute necessity for product refinement and client retention. So why do so many people still use generic questionnaires that yield generic responses?

With Conditional Logic, you can transform surveys into interactive experiences. Prompt deeper insights by tailoring follow-up questions based on client feedback. Plus, improve the accuracy and insights of the data you collect.

It's a win-win-win for all involved.

With logic in forms, your data collection process becomes a well-oiled machine. No more wasting time deciphering irrelevant responses or chasing missing information. You'll receive precisely what you need, when you need it. Say goodbye to static forms of the past and welcome a new era of dynamic engagement.

Conditional Logic is available to Grow and Scale users. Want to access all of the features Forms from has to offer? Drop a quick note to sales@teamwork.com and we’ll be in touch with how you can take advantage of all the benefits.

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